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Market and Competitive Intelligence is serious business! As as seasoned professional in CI I can help you establish your CI team and if your folks are too busy, I can run the project for you. 

I have a lot of experience in CI, wrote articles and presented in international conferences on this topic; and I will be glad to be of assistance.

I have over 15 years of  forecasting experience, 10+ of those in a Fortune 500 environment where I created forecasts for markets, total demand, revenue, capacity requirements, and specific products. 

My projects are basically econometric models created on eViews and further augmented by Monte Carlo Simulations. In the case of revenue I also create statistical process control charts.

Do you have a complex problem you would like a business researcher investigate? I entertain complex problems and will be happy to help you explore those topics that can further your business objectives.


The future is uncertain, yes! Nevertheless we can use Scenario Planning in order to make sense of alternative realities. I will work with your team to create plausible futures and help you uncover opportunities to explore and risks to mitigate.

Business Research
Scenario Planning

What Can I Do For You?


It is often the case you run into professionals, but do not know what they can do for you, so I created this section to discuss exactly that: the kinds of services I provide. Do not be shy, feel free to send me an inquiry!

Speaker Engagements
Private Seminars

Do you need a speaker for your event? I can help with business and economic topics to suit your needs. I will work with you to present interesting topics that will keep your audience engaged and make your event more memorable. Feel free to drop me a line to discuss some alternatives - you can have a specific thought or I will present some suggestions.

Topics include: economic crisis, business cycle, trade patterns, scenario planning, renewable energy, BRICS, conflict in Ukraine, among others.

Let's roll up the sleeves and get to work on your topics! Private seminars for your small group are a good idea because you have full control of the topic, the agenda and timing is always at your convenience. 

Seminars can be 2, 4 (half day) and 8-hour long (full day). Topics include: Scenario Planning, War Gaming, and Economics. Why wait? Get your own seminar on any of these topics and have a project completed in time and on budget. 

Please give fair warning as during the end of the year usually agendas are packed with strategic planning engagements for different clients. No worries, the output of the project is all yours and absolute confidentiality is ensured - no one else will see it.

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